Victoires Haussmann SGP
Our conviction : building the city on the city, by ensuring a long-term holding of assets throughout the property cycle, ensure profitability and sustainability.
Victoires Haussmann SGP, A company with a mission
We strive for shared value creation
Victoires Haussmann SGP, management company, combines financial results with societal and environmental performance.
By including selected inclusive and sustainable projects in our property investment strategies.
Our conviction?
Property must be both a driver of equal opportunities and a proactive player in France’s "zero net artificialization" (ZNA) project.

Victoires Haussmann SGP, responsible, long-term investor
A small team with all the necessary skills for investment and the management of complex projects.
Victoires Haussmann SGP, responsible, long-term investor
Our AMF accreditation authorizes the management of alternative property funds for professional investors.
Victoires Haussmann SGP, part of the Constructa group, proposes a totally independent vision and overall property investment, management and value creation solutions.
Victoires Haussmann SGP in figures...
AUM breakdown per class of asset managed by VH

- Logistics
- Residential / managed / hotels
VH residential breakdown

- Open housing
- Managed residences
* Property asset value calculated according to article R214-89 of the French monetary and financial code; indicative amount that may evolve with every evaluation of the assets managed
Victoires Haussmann SGP, high-impact funds
We combine financial results with societal and environmental performance
Victoires Haussmann SGP news